
第11 回国際メルヴィル学会がロンドンで開催されました。


The Eleventh International Melville Society Conference
Melville’s Crossings

がKing's College Londonで開催されました。(6月27日ー30日, 2017年)




Melville's Crossing


King’s College London, June 27-30 2017

Submission Deadline: September 15, 2016

Submission Email: melvilleatkings@gmail.com


When Herman Melville came to London in 1849 as a suddenly successful travel writer, lauded on both sides of the Atlantic, he entered into a complex cultural economy that would define his later work. Although he was ostensibly in the old world to hawk his new book, he benefitted from the trip in ways that were less professional than aesthetically transformative. As he browsed the bookshops and witnessed, alternately, the grand imperial splendour of Victorian London and the rankness of uncontrolled industrialisation, he picked up a series of crucial scenes and literary topoi that would shape his future work. From Thomas Carlyle to the bachelors of Temple to the art galleries to the phantasmic world of poverty that percolated into Israel Potter, Melville’s second trip to Britain gave him the raw source material that launched the second phase of his career.

At the 2017 Melville Conference, we want to explore questions that emerged from his trips to London and Great Britain. Located by the Thames in the heart of the city, a mere ten minutes walk from 25 Craven Street where Melville stayed in 1849, King’s College London’s location will act as a starting point for a series of broader conceptual problems and issues. As a starting point, the London setting will allow for the reconsideration of the place of a number of problematic and less-discussed transatlantic texts and figures in Melville’s oeuvre: from Redburn to Israel Potter to “The Paradise of Bachelors,” to Gansevoort Melville and Herman’s British sailing companions, the conference offers the chance to cast light on some more obscure moments of his life and works.

There are also wider conceptual issues at stake. For us, the word “crossings,” more than any other, defines how Melville related to Great Britain. Crossing the Atlantic generated a series of other critically complex crossings: these include gender transgression, racial reversals, national boundary blurring, questions of copyright violation and illicit book circulation, class inversions, Atlantic literary collisions, textual crossings out, political reformations, and much more besides. In the spirit of the conference, we will welcome responses that consider the transatlantic frame of the long nineteenth century more generally, as well as papers that engage with the dynamics of transgression implied by the word “crossing.”

In addition to traditional 15 to 20 minute seminar papers, we invite creative approaches to the conference format. We will be running focused seminar sessions and also invite pecha kucha presentations, lightning panels, roundtable proposals, and panel submissions. We are particularly interested in panels and roundtables that cross international borders in terms of their participants and which feature colleagues at different stages of their academic career. Panels require four presenters and need to leave time for discussion (panels are 90 minutes long).

Please submit proposals by September 15th 2016 to melvilleatkings@gmail.com. In the subject line please use the format [proposal type, surname e.g. Paper, Smith] and save the file in the format [surname, first name]. Please direct any informal questions to this address or to the organisers Ed Sugden (edward.sugden@kcl.ac.uk) and Janet Floyd (janet.floyd@kcl.ac.uk)




   Proposal for the 2015 International Melville Conference

       “Herman Melville in a Global Context”

           The Melville Society of Japan

Arimichi Makino (Meiji University) & Takayuki Tatsumi (Keio University)


            The heyday, so to speak, of Manifest Destiny resulted in one of the greatest books in the American literary canon. Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick (1851) arguably could not have come into existence without the magnified global consciousness and context of the ideology of Manifest Destiny. Published only a few years before Commodore Matthew Perry’s gunboat negotiations with a certain Far East archipelago, this novel reveals the future of American expansionism: “If that double bolted land, Japan, is ever to become hospitable, it is the whale-ship alone to whom the credit will be due; for already she is on the threshold” (Chapter 24, “The Advocate”). Certainly, Japan in the mid-nineteenth century was “double-bolted,” for pre-modern Japan prohibited any foreigner from entering the country and sentenced to death anyone who tried to leave it. Yet, it is also true that around the same time a half-Chinook, half-Scot North American named Ranald McDonald (1824-1894) entered Japan in 1848 via the city of Matsumae, Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. He arrived on a small boat provided him by the captain of the Plymouth, a whaling ship from New York on which he had been a sailor. McDonald, who became the first teacher of English in Japan, ended up educating contemporary Japanese translators, including Einosuke Moriyama, who would go on to help the Tokugawa Shogunate successfully negotiate with Commodore Perry. Surely, while writing Chapter 109 of Moby-Dick, entitled “Ahab and Starbuck in the Cabin,” Melville was keenly aware of McDonald’s narrative, for he precisely copied the latter’s uniquely clumsy spelling of the name of the city, Matsumae, as “Matsmai” in the following passage: “And so Starbuck found Ahab with a general chart of the oriental archipelagoes spread before him; and another separate one representing the long eastern coasts of the Japanese islands – Niphon, Matsmai, and Shikoke.” In this context, we also should not forget a young fisherman named John Manjiro, a.k.a. Manjiro Nakahama (1827-1898), who was rescued in 1841 by the John Howland, another American whaling ship. His boat wrecked on the island of Torishima, Manjiro would end up participating in the Tokugawa Shogunate’s negotiations with Commodore Perry in 1853 as a most skillful translator and interpreter. He would later go on to study English and navigation in Massachusetts. Manjiro’s career began in 1841 and very naturally recalls Ishmael’s voyage in Moby-Dick, which overlaps with Melville’s own in the same year.

   Against this literary, historical, and geo-political backdrop, the Melville Society of Japan is pleased to host in 2015 the International Herman Melville Conference here in Japan. Our country has produced more than a dozen Japanese versions of Moby-Dick, including Professor ABE Tomoji’s, Professor SENGOKU Hideyo’s, and Professor YAGI Toshio’s excellent works.  Under the able auspices of the Melville Society of Japan, we have cultivated our own fine Melvillians.  Originally the Melville Study Center of Japan directed by Professor MAKINO Arimichi, the Melville Society of Japan has published its annual, Sky-Hawk, since 1985. For the 25th anniversary issue, the Melville Society published a collection of essays all written in English, Melville and the Wall of the Modern Age (Tokyo: Nan’Undo Publishers, 2011), which radically revised and expanded its groundbreaking predecessor, Professor OHASHI Kenzaburo’s edited Melville and Melville Studies in Japan (Westport, Conn: Greenwood, 1993), the first English-language volume of Japanese scholarship on Melville.

   Moreover, the host university for this event will be Keio University, which has over the years built its reputation for Transnational American Studies, and which established in 2011 the G-SEC (Global Security) American Studies Center with Professor TATSUMI Takayuki as one of its directors. Back in the mid-nineteenth century, renowned Japanese thinker and educator Yukichi Fukuzawa, visited Europe once in 1862 and the United States of America twice, in 1860 and 1867; there, he and John Manjiro purchased a copy of Webster’s English Dictionary, presumably A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the English Language, edited by Noah Webster’s son-in-law S. G. Goodrich and published in 1859 from Lippincott in Philadelphia. There is no doubt that this dictionary helped Fukuzawa translate a number of diplomatic documents and write the original books on western civilization and modern Japan for which he is justly admired. Besides being the Founding Father of Keio University, Fukuzawa was the first translator of Thomas Jefferson’s “The Declaration of Independence” and a champion of Unitarianism; indeed, he invited a number of Unitarian ministers and scholars here from Harvard University, including Arthur May Knapp. What is more, Fukuzawa first introduced our campus in 1898 to Professor Thomas Sergeant Perry, the first teacher of American literature at Keio University. Professor Perry was the great-nephew of Commodore Perry, who unlocked the “double-bolted Japan” and initiated our Far East archipelago into its first cultural exchanges and economic transactions with western countries. Keio University’s library is also well known for having treasured a copy of the first edition of Moby-Dick as well as all the whaling and oceanographic books and materials Melville referred to in the novel. They were all donated by Dr. KAWASUMI Tetsuo, a pathfinder in Japan’s transpacific research on Melville and John Manjiro.

            The symbolic significance of the 2015 International Melville Conference being held in Tokyo goes beyond the history I have so far mentioned in that it necessarily reminds us of the global context that marks our new century in provocative contrast and comparison with the American Renaissance. The first decade of the 21st century gave rise to various reconfigurations of Global American Studies. Transcending the limits of “trans-national America” as originally advocated by Randolph Bourne in 1916, a number of scholar-critics in the wake of the 9.11 terrorist attacks and the Iraq War in particular, began to reshape the discourse of globalism by introducing new conceptual tools. Some of these would include Gayatri Spivak’s “planetarity” (2003), Gretchen Murphy’s “hemispheric imagination” (2005), Wai Chee Dimock’s “deep time” (2008), Yunte Huang’s “transpacific imagination” (2008), Paul Giles’ adaptation of Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of “deterritorialization” (2011), and Shelley Fisher Fishkin’s “deep maps” (2011) as shorthand for “Digital Palimpsest Mapping Projects.” If we trace the 19th-century rise of the Monroe Doctrine in the wake of Jefferson’s hemispheric imagination as leading to the 21st-century revision of it in the Bush Doctrine, who does not read Melville’s Chapter 1 of Moby-Dick, “Bloody Battle in Afghanistan,” as strangely prophetic? It makes us wonder if or how post-Revolutionary America came to champion the cause of post-colonialism: Was it less in line with freedom and democracy per se and rather more a continuing discourse of crypto-imperialism? The first decade of our new century started with the 9/11 terrorist attacks on east coast cities of the United States and closed with the 3.11 multiple disasters on Japan’s east coast, both raising vital questions about energy and fuel crises as a result. Melville too weighed the significance of energy and fuel as part of a global and domestic economy in antebellum America.

   The International Melville Conference offers each of us the opportunity to explore together our planetarity but also to question the global future of democracy, technology, trade and economy, transdisciplinary exchanges, and, yes, “Ah Humanity!” itself, all inspired by Herman Melville’s one-of-a-kind literary imagination.


What's New

§ 第11回年次大会のお知らせを更新しました。詳しくは、年次大会をご覧ください。(2024年8月13日)

§ 巽孝之氏が『白鯨』Blu-ray版のリーフレットに解説を書き下ろしました。詳しくは、会員情報をご覧ください。(2023年11月3日)

§ 第10回年次大会のお知らせを更新しました。詳しくは、年次大会をご覧ください。(2023年7月29日)

§(訃報)Sanford E. Marovitz先生(2023年7月19日)



§ 国際オンラインワークショップのお知らせをアップしました。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。(2023年1月23日)

§ Michael D. Snediker氏とKevin Holden氏による講演会のお知らせをアップしました。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。(2022年12月1日)


§ 第9回年次大会のお知らせを更新しました。詳しくは、年次大会をご覧ください。(2022年8月15日)

§ 第9回年次大会のお知らせをアップしました。詳しくは、年次大会をご覧ください。(2022年8月5日)

§ 教員公募情報をアップしました。詳しくはニュースをご覧ください。(2022年6月22日)

§ ジョン・ブライアント氏による講演会のお知らせをアップしました。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。(2022年4月20日)

§ J19 Special Forum “Japanizing C19 American Literary Studies” 刊行記念ワークショップのお知らせをアップしました。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。(2022年1月8日)

§ ジョン・ブライアント氏による講演会のお知らせをアップしました。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。(2022年1月6日)

§ 第8回年次大会のお知らせをアップしました。(2021年8月28日)

§ 巽孝之氏の最終講義および特別講演がYouTubeでご覧になれます。詳しくは会員情報をご覧ください。(2021年4月20日)

§ 夢枕獏氏の『白鯨 Moby-Dick』が出版されました。詳しくはニュースをご覧ください。(2021年4月20日)

§ 古井義昭氏が「第5回日本アメリカ文学会賞」を受賞されました。詳しくは会員情報をご覧ください。(2020年10月13日)

§ 第8回年次大会中止のお知らせをアップしました。(2020年7月22日)

§ 古井義昭氏が「第25回清水博賞」を受賞されました。詳しくは会員情報をご覧ください。(2020年7月1日)

§ Nina Morgan氏による来日講演のお知らせをアップしました。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。(2020年2月18日)

§ 第7回年次大会の報告と写真を一部アップしました。(2019年9月29日)

§ 第7回年次大会のお知らせをアップしました。(2019年8月16日)

§ 夢枕獏氏によるご講演のお知らせをアップしました。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。




§ 『白鯨』に関する基調講演で巽孝之氏がご登壇されます。詳しくは会員情報をご覧ください。


§ 第6回年次大会のお知らせをアップしました。(2018年8月11日)



§ 第10回国際メルヴィル学会での坂手洋二氏発表作品が出版されました。会員情報・書籍紹介をご覧ください。(2017年12月14日)

§ 第5回年次大会の様子をアップしました。イベントをご覧ください (2017年9月13日)

§ 第5回年次大会のお知らせをアップしました。(2017年8月2日)

§『バートルビーズ』序章(「特集 アメリカの光と影」、『三田文学』夏期号2017年)


§Panic Americana 20号で牧野メルヴィル学会長、巽副会長、会員の牧野理英氏、小谷真理氏の特別座談会”Crazy Melville, or Melvillian Craze”が掲載さいされています。詳しくは会員情報をご覧ください。(2016年9月29日)

§メルヴィル学会誌 Sky-Hawk締め切りのお知らせ。今年度に限り、締め切りを9月20日といたします。奮って投稿ください。


§ 第4回日本メルヴィル学会年次大会のお知らせです。第4回年次大会が2016年9月11日(日)12時15分から中央大学駿河台記念館330号室で開催されます。詳しくは、年次大会をご覧ください。(2016年8月6日)

§ 第11回国際メルヴィル会議のお知らせです。国際学会の項目をご覧ください。(2016年6月2日)


§ 学会誌 Sky-Hawk:       The Journal of the Melville Society of Japan第4号の原稿を募集しています。詳しくは投稿規定をご覧 ください。(2016年2月28日)                          § Sky-Hawk: The Journal of the Melville Society of Japan      Call for Submissions                Only members of MSJ may submit articles to its journal. An exception will be made for participants in the 2015 international Melville conference, who are also invited to submit articles for consideration. Contributors can submit one article for each issue. Pease see "Submissions" for more details. (Feb. 28, 2016 )

§ 第10回国際メルヴィル会議の池澤夏樹氏基調講演が12月7日発売の『新潮1月号』に掲載されています。ニュースをご覧ください。また、カレン・テイ・ヤマシタ氏を迎えてのシンポジウムが『三田文学冬号』に掲載されます。(2015年12月14 日)


§ 文学座公演『白鯨ーMoby-Dickー』に先立ち、演出家、訳者などによる特別シンポジウムが12月1日(火)に慶應義塾大学で行われます。詳しくはイベントをご覧ください。(2015年11月19日)



§ 第10回国際メルヴィル会議で朗読されたBartlebiesが燐光群により上演されます。(8月24日から)くわしくはイベントをご覧ください。(2015年8月21日)

§ 第10回国際メルヴィル会議の写真の一部をアップしています。ニュースの項目をご覧ください。(2015年7月5日)

§ 第10回国際メルヴィル会議特別公演(池澤夏樹氏)のフライヤーをアップしました。イベントをご覧ください。(6月22日)

§ 第10回国際ハーマン・メルヴィル会議のポスターができました。国際学会の項目をご覧ください。ニュースの項目もご覧ください。

§ 第10回国際メルヴィル会議の情報を更新しました。新しいプログラムをご覧ください。(2015年5月10日)


§ 2014年度第3回年次大会のプログラムをアップしました。
§Gerald Vizenor氏が来日され、"Ishamel of the Pequod:Natural Motion and Scenes of Suviviance in Moby-Dick"の講演があります。イベントをご欄ください。
§ 第10回国際メルヴィル学会東京開催のCFPをアップしました。国際学会をご覧ください。米国メルヴィル学会のホームページもご覧ください。melvillesociety.org
§ 学会誌 SKY-HAWK: The Journal of the Melville Society of Japanが発行されました。
§ 第2回日本メルヴィル学会年次大会の詳細をアップしました。
§ 第9回メルヴィル国際学会がワシントンD.C.で6月4日から7日まで開かれました。Eventsをご覧ください。
§ 2015年メルヴィル国際学会(The 2015 International Melville Conference)のプロポーザルを掲載しました。